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Kindergarten Popcorn Words

To make my life easier I made these printouts to help my Kindergartener learn popcorn words. I print them out and use them for different activities.

Game of Bingo ( I print out a set for each player and an additional one to cut and put inside a bowl. Once I pick out a word I read it out loud or have my kindergartener try to read it. The players will look for the word on their paper and stamp it. We have also added a sticker on each word or colored it in.)

Flash cards (I make one copy and cut all the words. We take turns reading the words. Once we have gone over them a few times I say the word and have my kiddo try to find it.

Game of matching ( I make two copies of each list and I cut out all the words. I turn them over and we take turns finding the pairs of each word.

Here are the words we are practicing.















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